Logo Kanton Bern / Canton de BerneBern Economic Development Agency

Quality of living

The Canton of Bern stands for personal safety, a highly educated population, cultural diversity and political stability, a very high quality of living, high environmental standards, and a great range of leisure activities and recreational facilities.

Tourism and natural beauty feature prominently in the Canton of Bern. It’s a place where multicultural influences mix with tradition, giving it a truly cosmopolitan flavor. The International School of Berne has students from 40 nations.

Synergy between industry and culture

Proximity is writ large in the Canton of Bern. Businesses are close to their customers, they benefit from a high quality of living everywhere in the canton, and they can find many top quality international schools, a highly-trained workforce, and a stable environment. All close to hand, accessible within just a few kilometers. Business and innovation thrive here, helped by the many extensive networks that can be found in the canton. Foreign companies appreciate the opportunity to enter the European market via the Canton of Bern.

More information

  • Made in Bern – Discover the Canton of Bern

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