Logo Kanton Bern / Canton de BerneBern Economic Development Agency

Event preparation and implementation

The Canton of Bern can provide financial support for events with economic significance and national appeal. There is no legal entitlement to grants from the Canton.

What do we support?

  • Setting up events that recur in the canton, over a maximum period of three years.
  • Contingency planning to ensure the event goes ahead if the unexpected happens.
  • Applications for major events such as European and world championships that take place at different venues.
  • A recurring implementation if the event is significant and established.

What don’t we support?

  • Events only of regional or local importance
  • Events that already fall within the domain of the destinations
  • Events with eligible costs of less than CHF 100,000
  • Prize money and performance fees

How to submit a project


Does the event you are planning make a significant contribution to value creation or raise the profile of the location? Use the assessment criteria in the table below as a guide.

Aspect Assessment criteria (Sport) events Tourism/
and support
Integrates into the destination’s communication concept X X
Target audiences align with the destination’s strategy X X
Financial support from the destination and/or local commune X X
Support from national partners (e.g. sports association) X  
At least one nationally known sponsor X  
Macroeconomic aspects Does not compete with existing event in the Canton of Bern X X
Takes place across several consecutive days X X
+20% overnight stays on event days or over 2000 visitors X X
Timing of event (contribution to capacity utilization) X X
Organization and appeal professionelle Organisation inkl.Businessplan X X
Environmental concept X X
Professional public relations, including communications planning X X
Bookable offerings (X) X


Include the following with your application:

  • Event budget
  • audited annual financial statement incl. balance sheet
  • Project description
  • Timetable
  • Full list of other funding applications and promised contributions
  • Details of value creation and profiling of location
  • Communication concept
  • Event program
  • Environmental concept
  • Sponsorship concept
  • Security concept


Please note that event grants should be applied for at as early a stage as possible (at least 30 days before the event takes place). No applications will be accepted after the end of the event.


Submit your application and all accompanying documentation by mail or email to:

Bern Economic Development Agency
Tourism & Regional Development Team
Münsterplatz 3a
3000 Bern 8

Email: gesuche.toureg@be.ch

More information

  • regiosuisse - the platform for regional development in Switzerland

  • regiosuisse project database

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